Beeswax Thread Conditioner


On a beautiful but frigid day in February, I drove down a winding dirt road to the home of a beekeeper, who met me in the yard with a pound of fragrant, yellow wax. This is my favorite way to buy materials. I drove home and processed the beeswax, pouring it into little molds, trying to be patient as the bars cooled. The house smelled like a hive in summer. I popped the bars out of the molds and marveled at the small work of a great many honeybees that lead to this golden bar in my hands in the middle of winter.

Beeswax is a magical substance. When used to condition sewing thread, it helps ease the thread through the fabric, protects the thread from fraying, and minimizes knotting while you sew. I find that the aroma of beeswax, mixed with this mindful ritual of conditioning the thread, adds a little magic to my sewing experience.

All natural beeswax from Maine.

Each bar measures approx. 1.5” x .5”.

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